Three Easy Ways to Increase Referrals

With health systems in growth mode and gobbling up the independent doctors, it is getting harder to receive referrals as a smaller practice. Established referral relationships are ending because the referring physician needs to keep patients in network. The new healthcare guidelines are taking more of your time. But there are some techniques to increase your organic referrals that are easy to implement.
Master Social Media. Increase your practice’s exposure by utilizing three main social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest). Tell people how great your practice is by producing interesting content (written and/or YouTube style video) on the diseases that you treat and the products and services your practice offers. Create contests for FB likes or Twitter follows that build your following. By boosting your online presence, your practice will jump in Google rankings which are a huge lead generator for all types of businesses.
Get Out into Community. Start speaking at local libraries, community centers, senior centers, schools, chamber events, etc., getting your name out into the community in a positive way. Use web services like Meetup and Eventbrite to promote talks on the diseases or conditions that your practice treats. Use Social Media to promote the events and your reach grows even larger.
Partner with a Digital Patient Education Company. Digital Patient Education is a great platform to explain to your existing patients all of the products and services that you offer. Most only know 3 or 4 of your two dozen or more services. By better informing current patients, they are better able to refer to their families or talk to you about issues. Some DPE providers also have programs where you can work with them to put systems in offices where you want to get referrals from. In these offices, you can promote your practice to people who may get referred for your services. Think PT’s marketing in orthopedic offices.
Halo Health International can help you with all three of these strategies, especially the Digital Patient Education strategy. Our customized programs start as low as $5 per day and bring larger increases in annual revenue. Contact Jim Cucinotta at or 856-520-8655 to learn more.