Is It Better to Educate or Engage First?
We had an interesting conversation in the office today regarding patient engagement and patient education. We were questioning whether...

Integrated Healthcare Works!
I was reading about some awesome work being done by foundations like the Nicholson Foundation and health systems like Cherokee Health to...

Colleges and Universities Need Health and Wellness Education Stations
My daughter is a freshman in college. She had to visit the infirmary this week to deal with a cold. As I was asking questions about...

Why Health Systems Need Integrated Marketing!
It is an interesting time in healthcare as the patient is beginning to have more power. Terms like engagement, satisfaction, behavior,...

Needed- More Education on Nutrition
I was meeting with a friend of mine today who works in the nutrition world. We were talking about how much education a person needs to...

Happy Birthday Halo Health!
If I can humble brag a bit, Halo Health turns 7 this month. In this time, we took an idea and turned it into a company that has helped...

In House Messaging Boards Are Not Patient Education
A couple of potential clients have told us that they are not interested because they have in house messaging systems in their lobbies. ...

Time to Remove TV from Waiting Rooms
How many more tragic events need to occur to upset your patients before you decide to consider a digital patient education station for...

Political Views Do Not Belong in Your Waiting Rooms
We were in a meeting the other day and one of the participants was particularly off color. Aside from being insensitive to others, the...

Patient Experience Means Making It Easier for the Patient…
I was reading a great article in the Harvard Business Journal by Dr. Sharon Kim and others about the patient experience and its effect on...