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A Patient Education App that is Actually Easy to Use

Wait, that can’t be true! Someone has developed a patient education app that is easy for the staff and patients to use? Yes, Halo Health’s new app is so easy to use, even your oldest patients can figure it out by themselves.

Not only that, but the content gets customized for your usage and Halo Health brands the whole app after your practice, health system or center. Your patients actually think you created this awesome tool. And unlike other apps, there are no ads, the only messages your patients hear are yours.

Getting started is simple. Click here to schedule your demo. From there, we just need to choose topics and videos. Your patients will be using the app in less than a week!

You can gain control over how your patients learn! Halo Health’s App allows you to show your patients you care about their health before, during and after their appointment. This smart phone, laptop and desktop compatible App lets you load the videos that you want your patients to see. The best part is that the program is branded to your health system, practice or clinic. The intuitive design allows patients to watch unsupervised– freeing your staff to focus on other parts of your care program.

All of Halo Health’s content is sourced from trusted places- the AHRQ, the CDC, AMA, American Heart Association and others. Halo also integrates your education materials to personalize the experience even further. Content changes monthly to stay fresh for your staff and frequent patients. It is fast and painless to get started.

Your learning can take place in the waiting room or exam room during downtime in the appointment, bedside in a hospital or rehab setting, or in a surgery center for pre operation or post op instruction. Nurse educators and patient navigators will love the ability to have their patients to learn at their pace and on their schedule.

Simply click here to schedule a demonstration. Your patients and practice will be glad you did.

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